Roots Home Inspection

Glossary Of Terms

Explore definitions of essential home inspection terms to better understand your property assessment and its components.
Access Panel: An opening providing access to heating/plumbing/electrical systems for servicing.

Accessible: Can be safely reached by the inspector without difficulty or danger.

AMP: A unit measure of electricity.

Appliance: A household device operated by electricity or gas.

Asbestos: Hazardous mineral fiber found in older homes’ insulation and siding.

Asphalt: Black material for roads; may also be found in walkways.

Attic: Space under the roof, above the top story.

Backsplash: Tile area between countertop and cabinets protecting wall from water.

Baluster: Small pillars between stairs and handrails, spaced under 4 inches.

Baseboard Heat: Heating system located along the wall perimeter, electric or hot water.

Beam: A supporting member of wood or steel.

Bearing Wall: Wall supports vertical loads in addition to its own weight.

Breaker: Metal box with circuit breakers controlling home electrical current.

BTU: British Thermal Unit, measures heating/cooling system capacity.

Buckling: Bending of building material due to wear, water contact.

BX Cable: Armored electrical cable with galvanized steel covering.

Casement Window: Side-hinged window opening on hinges attached to frame.

Caulking: Material sealing cracks and joints in various fixtures.

Central Air Conditioning: System using ducts to distribute cooled air to multiple rooms.

Chimney: Masonry or wood-framed enclosure extending above the roofline.

Chimney Cap: Protective cover sealing the chimney shaft from water, animals.

Chimney Flues: Channels in a chimney carrying off smoke, combustion gasses.

Cinder Block: Block of cinder and cement, less strong than cement block.

Circuit Breaker: Protective device automatically opening an overloaded electrical circuit.

CO: Certificate of Occupancy issued by the town.

Carbon Monoxide: Colorless, odorless, highly toxic gas.

Code: Local/state regulations for building design, construction, and safety.

Collar Beam/Tie: Horizontal support for rafters, usually in the upper third.

Condensation: Water forming on walls, ceilings, pipes, controlled by ventilation.

Condensing Unit: Outdoor cooling system component with compressor, condensing coil.

Condominium: Structure with individually owned units and common property areas.

Conduit: Hollow pipe casing for electric lines.

Corrode: Gradual wear of materials, often describing rust on pipes.

Crawl Space: Shallow area between building floor and ground, enclosed by foundation.

Cricket: Small convex roof on larger roof promoting drainage.

Cross Bridging: Strengthening structure with cross members between joists.

Damper: Air valve regulating flow in furnace or fireplace flue.

Deck: Elevated platform, also used for parking garage floors.

Double Hung Window: Window with sashes sliding vertically, opens from top/bottom.

Downspout: Pipe carrying water from gutter down.

Drywall: Gypsum board material for walls or ceilings.

Ductwork: Channels distributing heated/cooled air from the central system.

Easement: Contract allowing property use for specific purposes, e.g., sewer line.

Eave: Roof part extends beyond the side wall.

Efflorescence: White powder on walls from evaporating water.

Egress: Means of exiting home, required window in every bedroom/basement.

Evaluate: Assess systems, structures, components of a dwelling.

Exhaust Fan: Extracts air or heat from home interior.

Exterior Siding: Finish protecting the house shell from elements.

Fascia: Flat board on rafter ends, supports gutters, prevents rotation.

Faucet: Valve or spigot for water control.

Final Walkthrough: Last property review before possession at closing.

Fire Wall: Wall prevents the spread of fire.

Firebox: Cavity in the fireplace maintains fire, leading to flu.

Fireplace Cleanout Door: Access door to ash pit beneath fireplace.

Fireplace Hearth: Inner or outer fireplace floor, usually brick, tile, stone.

Fitting: Refers to faucets, shower valves, or piping parts.

Flashing: Prevents water entry at heavy runoff areas.

Floor Joists: Framing members supporting floor span.

Flue: Pipe for exhausting smoke, gas, air.

Footing: Underground support for foundation or post.

Forced Hot Air: Unit transferring heat through house ducts.

Foundation: Base structure supporting all construction.

Foundation Wall: Concrete or block wall supporting structure, partly underground.

Function: Action for which an item/system is used.

Functional: Able to perform a function.

Fuse Box: Box containing fuses regulating home electric current.

Galvanized Pipe: Iron pipe with zinc coating, used for water lines.

Garage Door: Door for vehicle passage into garage.

GFI: Ground Fault Interrupter, circuit breaker for areas with water.

Girder: Main supporting beam of the house.

Grade: Ground level.

Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI): Device interrupting electricity surges in appliances/components.

Gutter: Through collecting rain from the roof, it directs away from the house.

Header: Wood member above door or window opening.

Hearth: Bottom of a fireplace.

Heat Exchanger: Device transferring heat in a furnace.

Heat Pump: Refrigeration unit heating and cooling.

Home Inspection: Visual evaluation of home systems, components, using standards.

HomeOwners Association: Association for condominium or planned development duties.

Hot Water Heater: System heating water circulates through pipes.

Household Appliances: Kitchen, laundry appliances, room air conditioners.

Humidifier: Unit adding moisture to air, part of the heating system.

HVAC: Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning system.

Installed: Attached requiring tools for removal.

Insulation: Material resisting heat loss keeps the house warm or cool.

Joists: Horizontal beams supporting floor or ceiling boards.

Junction Box: Box containing electrical connections.

Kick Plate: Protective plate at door base.

Knob and Tube: Old form of wiring.

Lally Column: Steel cylinder filled with concrete supporting beams.

Lead: Hazardous material in pipes, paint of older homes.

Moisture/Vapor Barrier: Non-porous material prevents water vapor movement.

Mortar: Bonding material for brick/stone structures.

Open Grounds: Electrical outlets without proper grounding.

Operate: Cause systems to function or turn on.

Parging: Cement coat over block foundation walls.

Point Up (Repointing): Filling joints between bricks.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): Plastic pipe type.

Radiant Heat: Electrical system distributing heat through cables.

Radon: Colorless, odorless gas from soil, rocks, water.

Rafter: Sloping beam supporting roof.

Receptacle: Electrical outlet for plug.

Register: Opening for air distribution from ducts.

Representative Number: Typical example of inspected items.

Reserve Polarity: Electrical wiring issue needing correction.

Retaining Wall: Vertical structure restricting soil or water movement.

Romex: Brand name for electric wire in one sheath.

Roof Pitch: Degree of roof slope.

Roof Rafters: Inclined beams supporting the roof.

Roof Sheathing: Material covering roof framing, supports roofing material.

Roofing: Finished roof surface withstanding elements.

Row House: Construction of individual houses with common walls/roofs.

Sash: Framework holding glass in a window or door.

Satisfactory: Performing its expected purpose, despite any flaws.

Septic Tank: Underground tank for sewage treatment via bacterial action.

Serviceable: A condition that remains satisfactory with proper maintenance.

Settling: Lowering of a house’s elevation due to weight or shrinkage.

Sheathing: Covering on roofs or walls beneath exterior surfaces.

Sheetrock: Also known as plasterboard or drywall.

Shingles: Waterproof sheets covering roofs of homes and buildings.

Sidewalk: Walkway providing direct, all-weather entry access.

Siding: Exterior wall finish materials like wood, vinyl, or aluminum.

Sill: Lowest piece where a window or door rests, slanted for runoff.

Sill Plate: Horizontal wood member anchored to foundation masonry.

Slab: Concrete foundation or floor, often with no basement.

Soffit: Underside of a roof extending beyond outside walls.

Stair Rail: Handhold and barrier around stair perimeter for safety.

Stair Riser: Vertical boards closing spaces between stair treads.

Stair Stringer: Supporting members cut to accept treads and risers.

Storm Window: Extra window for added cold weather protection.

Structural Component: Supports non-variable (dead loads) and variable (live loads) forces.

Structure: Framing, supporting, and bracing members of a building.

Stucco: Exterior plaster wall surface.

Stud: Vertical framing member in a wall or partition.

Subfloor: Boards or plywood over joists supporting the finish floor.

Sump Pit: Basement hole draining water, pumped out by sump pump.

Sump Pump: Electric pump removing water from a basement pit.

Terracotta: Hard baked ceramic material used architecturally.

Thermostat: Controls home temperatures.

Townhouse: Construction method of individual houses with common walls.

Trap: Water pipe bend prevents gas escape.

Tudor: Architectural style with varied materials and decorative elements.

Unsafe: Significant injury risk during normal use due to various faults.

Utility Room: Room for laundry, heating equipment, or janitorial purposes.

Vapor Barrier: Insulation prevents moisture buildup in buildings.

Vent Pipe: Pipe allowing gas escape from plumbing stacks.

Voltage: Pressure behind electricity flow, measured in volts.

Weather-Stripping: Material preventing rain, wind, and cold entry.

Weep Holes: Drain holes allowing moisture escape.

Window Sash: Framework holding glass in doors or windows.

Window Well: Excavation around basement windows prevents soil collapse.