The Standards of Practice for Home Inspection specifically states that a home inspection does not include an evaluation of the pool. A pool and the repairs/maintenance can be a huge expense, so what options does a buyer have. While no option can completely protect you, we highly recommend that all buyers find out the history of the pool prior to purchase:
In our experience in home inspection and as a pool owner here are two possible options. I highly recommend you do both:
1) Request all paperwork associated with the pool. This paperwork may include permits, warranties, repairs, improvements and the contact for any pool service company that services/maintains, repairs this pool. Ask for pictures too. Review these and ask questions.
2) Contact the Pool Company that Services this Pool:
• Pro – Provide the history
• Pro – Provide expert 1st hand opinion from a company that knows this pool well.
• Pro – Most likely no cost. They may be happy to talk with you in order to gain you as a customer once you make the purchase.
• Pro – If the is pool closed; they know how it functions and looks when open.
• Con – A formal report may not be available. No warranty or guarantee on their opinion.
Buyers Can Hire a Pool service or Inspection Company to complete a partial or full inspection:
Pro – Expert opinion & a formal report.
Pro – a warranty may be included. Make sure you ask before booking
Con – Pool inspection cost basic start around cost is $400 and extra cost more.
Con – Most pool inspection companies will not inspect if the pool is not open and running. If a company agrees to inspect a closed pool; they will be limited in what they can evaluate.
If you are purchasing a closed pool
– Some sellers will agree to open it prior to purchase, and you could ask to be present and speak with the company completing the service
– Some sellers will agree to hold money in escrow for use if the pool requires repairs when the season starts,
Roots Home Inspection owner Bill Root owns two houses with in-ground pools. Although our reports will specifically state that we will NOT and DO NOT inspect pools; if asked he will take and look and give his opinion (at no cost). But will not document it.