We perform home inspections in all-weather including (Rain, Shine and even Snow).
A highly qualified Inspector knows what to do. Our 20 years of experience in this industry include both inspecting and flipping homes. This knowledge allows us to detect issues and clear components through alternate views in all weather. Here are some winter inspections “Advantages and Challenges”:
- Water Issues – Can become more visible during heavy rain and with melting snow (especially in basements). Sellers make sure your sump pump is in working order.
- Roof Visibility – While snow and ice can limit visibility, roof inspections are conducted from both the inside and outside. The interior attic space provides us with access to visible signs of leaking, mold and structural integrity issues. If the snow coverage dissipates quickly, we can return and view the exterior roof systems. Sellers provide all roof paperwork and warranties.
- Air Conditioning – We can check the age, make and model of the units and look for signs of issues with the unit. However, Air Conditioning Systems cannot be turned on if it is too cold outside. The compressor unit cannot be operated when it is below 60 degrees without causing damage. Sellers have all HVAC service paperwork available for buyers.
- Drainage – Some deficiencies such as “ice damming” are only visible in freezing temperatures. Sellers keep all gutters and drains free of debris.
- Landscape and components – Sellers should be encouraged to clear as much snow and ice away from walkways, driveways, patios, porches and deck on inspection day.
- Insulation – Drastic temperature differential indoors as opposed to the chilling outdoor temperatures may help show insulation/or draft issues.